
Showing posts from May, 2018

Update: May 2018

Five years, a lot has changed! In the world, Britain has left the EU, and Donald Trump has been elected to the White House...and that was only 2016! Syria has further collapsed, sparking a refugee crisis in 2014-5. The rise of Islamic State saw the UK join a US led coalition in defeating the group. Terror attacks took place in London and Manchester. Scotland had a stayed. The UK had two general elections. The first, in 2015, saw the Tories take a surprise majority. The second, saw a strong Jeremy Corbyn performance cut the Tory majority. Theresa May now runs a minority government. The £1 billion offer to the DUP of course helped with this. Leicester City won the Premier League, whilst Germany won the World Cup. The climate change debate continues, especially since the US left the Paris Agreement. So you, the anonymous reader, may be wondering why I am writing this. All the above is a common 'newsfact', wretched into the consciousness of even uniformed readers