
This blog aims to showcase UK News and Travel. It is a side-project for me, helping to keep up the writing and research skills I developed at university. Big issues that I like to normally focus on are Brexit (of course), green issues, infrastructure and party politics. International relations also plays a role, especially in today's globalised world.

Apart from writing, I do marketing consultancy and catering to keep the bills paid. I am a graduate, so at the moment hoping for something more 'fruitful'. Yet for now, blogging gives me a good sense of achievement and intellectual enjoyment, beyond my fairly 'standard' career journey.

The choice to focus on news and travel reflects my key interests. Travel is especially a good option to balance to seriousness of politics, especially in divided Brexit Britain. You could say I'm a fairly typical millenial here, but me and my partner try to visit quirky places a little off the standard tourist trail. For instance, this summer we took a road trip through Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia. Not something that we can necessarily afford, but relatively cheap compared to living in London!

OB Films (https://obfilms.net/) is my video journalism brand. It aims to complement this blog through video content. It follows a similar current affairs/travel theme! Check it out on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChO8gO889UFLz6RcJRYMC0Q?view_as=subscriber

Thanks for reading. I hope you have a satisfactory, enjoyable and maybe even a productive day!


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